How to reset your Telegram Passcode?


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Telegram is top cloud messager  in the world. Today we know how to reset your telegram app password. Telegram provide app lock facility to users. Some time we forget our password. If you forget your telegram passcode you can't log in.

Follow my steps to you can reset your Passcode.

STEP : 1

Install Telegram X, Telegram Plus - There are same and some advance future available in the apps.

I. Go to playstore.

II. Download any one app.

Telegram X or Telegram Plus.

III. Enter your mobile number to log in.

STEP : 2 

Uninstall your telegram app.

I. Go to playstore.

II. Download Telegram app again.

III. Enter your mobile number to log in.

Note : Telegram work base on cloud based so your data not loss.

Follow my steps to reset your Telegram App.


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